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Audience Engagement

Content in this section centers one crucial aspect of theatremaking: the audience. How do theatremakers identify and attract the right audience for a particular work? What are the different levels of engagement, from simple spectatorship to participation? Amrita Ramanan’s 2013 series gathers thoughts from leaders in the field and is a great place to start, as are videos from Theatre Communications Group’s 2015 Audience (R)Evolution Convening.

The Latest

How Theatre Can Create Positive Change in Our Food Systems
How Theatre Can Create Positive Change in Our Food Systems
by Elena Morris
29 May 2024
Building “New” Audiences
Building “New” Audiences
by Ravi Jain , Miriam Fernandes
10 April 2024
The Virtuosity of Black Storytelling with Tarell Alvin McCraney
The Virtuosity of Black Storytelling with Tarell Alvin McCraney
by Jordan Ealey, Leticia Ridley, Tarell Alvin McCraney
6 March 2024
Audience Development as a Communal Experience

Audience Development as a Communal Experience

19 March 2014

The twenty-first century American theater is a communal experience where artists and audiences are bound in an existence which deems them equal parts subject, spectator and benefactor. Moving beyond traditions of privilege, subscriptions, access and pricing; the contemporary American Theater emerges as a necessary cultural commodity of storytelling. At ArtsEmerson: The World On Stage, we are fully aware of this paradigm shift and we welcome it, seeing it as the bedrock for our audience development goals.

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Stage Kiss panel curated by Sarah Ruhl at Playwrights Horizons

Stage Kiss panel curated by Sarah Ruhl at Playwrights Horizons

Monday 17 March 2014
New York, NY, United States

Playwrights Horizons presented the panel discussion On Kisses and Chemistry: A Discourse on Stage Kiss featuring Stage Kiss playwright Sarah Ruhl, actor Hamish Linklater, psychologist/expert on couples & sexuality Esther Perel, and actress Kathleen Chalfant, moderated by psychiatrist Tony Charuvastra, livestreamed on the global, commons-based peer-produced HowlRound TV network at howlround.tv on Monday 17 March at 3:30 p.m. PST/ 5:30 p.m. CST/ 6:30 p.m. EST/ 22:30 GMT. To submit questions for ending Q&A and participate in online conversation, follow @PHnyc and use hashtag #stagekisspanel.

Portrait of Kevin Becerra.
Artistic Engagement at ArtsEmerson

Artistic Engagement at ArtsEmerson

17 March 2014

Boston’s neighborhoods, some of whose origins can be traced to the 1630s, have been home to myriad political and cultural shifts over the centuries—a concept that blew my California-raised mind. It was somewhat intimidating to move to a city with such a wonderful and complex past and getting charged with the task of creating spaces for conversation across the various communities.

The Playwright and the Panel

The Playwright and the Panel

Turning the Model on its Head

13 March 2014

We've all been there. The curtain call is over, the house lights come up, and a representative from the theater comes out on stage to inform the audience that, in a few minutes, there will be a post-show discussion with the playwright. Thankfully, a partnership at Playwrights Horizons in New York City is rethinking that model. Playwright Dan LeFranc and director of New Play Development Adam Greenfield are turning the concept on its head by making the playwright the interviewer, instead of the interviewee.

The Business Case for Radical Hospitality, or No-Cost Access to Theater

The Business Case for Radical Hospitality, or No-Cost Access to Theater

2 March 2014

Part two of this series, curated by Aditi Kapil, playwright-in-residence at Mixed Blood Theatre, examines the pragmatics of how Radical Hospitality works, “The Financial or Business Case,” in a conversation with Managing Director Amanda White Thietje, Community Outreach & Marketing Manager Brie Jonna, and Artistic Director Jack Reuler.

Triple Play Discussion Series at Theatre Development Fund 

Triple Play Discussion Series at Theatre Development Fund 

Wednesday 26 February 2014
New York, NY, United States

Theatre Development Fund and Theatre Bay Area hosted a series of six roundtable discussions intended to uncover the best new thinking and practices around what most effectively links audiences, generative artists and the theaters who produce them livestreamed on the global, commons-based peer-produced HowlRound TV network at howlround.tv. The third of six discussions was in New York on Wednesday 26 February at 11 a.m. PST (San Francisco) / 1 p.m. CST (Chicago) / 2 p.m. EST (New York City).

Photo from Blood Wedding.
Ground Floor of Experimental Theater in Phoenix

Ground Floor of Experimental Theater in Phoenix

Blood Wedding

25 February 2014

Alice Stanley Jr. reviews Orange Theatre’s experimental production of Federico García Lorca’s Blood Wedding, which incorporated contemporary multimedia technology in its warehouse set.

Interview with Lear deBessonet

Interview with Lear deBessonet

23 February 2014

P. Carl interviews Director Lear deBessonet on her influences, inspirations, and current work.

Entrance to the National Black Theatre.
The Real Danger

The Real Danger

A Movement for Black Liberation Theatre

27 January 2014

The real danger in building a rigorous, black liberation theater movement is rooted in the reality that the powers that be won’t be able to contain it on stage or anywhere else. Why? Because the "rehearsal of the revolution" will cease and the revolution in the streets, hearts, minds and sensibilities of the people will begin. It will be a new day.

Photo from Winter Pageant.
Winter Pageant at Redmoon

Winter Pageant at Redmoon

23 January 2014

Dani Snyder-Young writes about Winter Pageant, a collaborative spectacle piece created by the (now closed) Redmoom in Chicago.

Strangle, Throttle, Silence

Strangle, Throttle, Silence

Talkbacks and Artist Safety

13 December 2013

Lauren Gunderson offers advice on dealing with threatending situations at talkbacks, and how theaters can better protect their artists during audience engagement.

Radical Hospitality

Radical Hospitality

The Artistic Case

27 November 2013

This initial conversation between Artistic Director Jack Reuler and Playwright-in-Residence Aditi Brennan Kapil examines the artistic case for a theatre in Minneapolis to charge no admission, program ambitious new work that stretches its aesthetics, capacity, and resources, and perhaps more importantly, why this matters?

Graphic representing the internet.


Theater and the Internet

26 November 2013

Technology reflects and changes the ways in which we think.  We need to start telling more stories designed to accommodate our interactivity of the internet to grow with our audiences.

Photo from Cry You One.
My Community Roots

My Community Roots

24 October 2013

Following the historical models set by Southern artists against violence and aggression, Cartlon Turner talks about why and how this work continues in his community.

Towards a Participatory Public

Towards a Participatory Public

The Meeting of Theater and Community

23 October 2013
Working on the Obama campaign.
Connectivity in Action

Connectivity in Action

23 October 2013

Jocelyn Prince, Connectivity Director at Woolly Mammoth, continues our series on Audience Engagement with a blog focusing on the intersection of connectivity and community organizing.

Portrait of Erica Nagel.
The Revolution will be Intersectional (and the Dramaturgs and Educators Will Lead It)

The Revolution will be Intersectional (and the Dramaturgs and Educators Will Lead It)

22 October 2013

I love that engagement has become such a major part of the conversation in our field. But I do worry that if we are not vigilant, “engagement” has the potential to become a code-word for “extra.”

The Twitter logo.
The Weekly Howl on Twitter hashtag #newplay

The Weekly Howl on Twitter hashtag #newplay

The Internet + Audience Engagement

22 October 2013

This Thursday's topic will be: The Internet + Audience Engagement. How do your audiences continue their in-person experience on the internet? What are the in-person manifestations of your online engagement? Join us Thursday, October 24 for the Weekly Howl on hashtag #newplay at 11:00am PDT – 12pm PDT (Los Angeles) / 1:00pm CDT – 2pm CDT (Austin) / 2:00pm EDT – 3pm EDT (New York) / 18:00 GMT – 19:00 GMT / 7:00pm BST - 8pm BST (London) / 8:00pm CEST - 9pm CEST (Berlin).

Photo from How Much Is Enough.
With Whom Will We Play?

With Whom Will We Play?

Theater and Social Justice in New York City

21 October 2013

RJ Maccani discusses learning through Foundery Theatre’s projects the distinct ways artists and social justice organizers can come together to make change.

Massive Draft is Dead… Long Live Massive Draft

Massive Draft is Dead… Long Live Massive Draft

20 October 2013

In this installment, Aaron Carter offers a brief overview of The Lab at Steppenwolf.

The Twitter logo.
Weekly Howl on hashtag #newplay

Weekly Howl on hashtag #newplay

Who do you make theater for and why?—Thurs, Oct 10

9 October 2013

The Weekly Howl is a peer produced, open access discussion about theater culture and contemporary performance that happens in real-time on Twitter using the hashtag #newplay. Join us Thursday, October 10 for the Weekly Howl on hashtag #newplay.

Bloody Great Border Ballad.
A Higher Quality of Confusion

A Higher Quality of Confusion

How to Make People Disagree

8 September 2013

Highlighted by Scotland’s possible independence, Regan sifts through the idea of how debate can be brought on by political theatre.

Soil, Sunshine, Fresh Air, and Water

Soil, Sunshine, Fresh Air, and Water

14 August 2013

David Schultz examines the artist and audience relationship and offers advice on how to create a diverse and growing audience base. 

Edinburgh Fringe street performers.
Dispatch from the Edinburgh Fringe, Part One

Dispatch from the Edinburgh Fringe, Part One

Feast or Binge

13 August 2013

In this first installment, Talya Kingston struggles to figure out the best way to choose from all of the possible selections to see at Edinburgh Fringe.

Art that reads I'd Like To Remember That.


Fearlessness and Candor of Reunion Storytellers

6 August 2013

Brian Otaño explores the physical and metaphorical implications of what a reunion provides for us in our journey of being.