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Rachel Rusch

Rachel Rusch is Manager of Programming at Fox Television Studios, which develops and produces programming for major cable networks. FTVS’s notable shows include The Americans, The Killing, White Collar, Burn Notice, and The Shield, among many others. She started out in television by working in the Endeavor agency mailroom. Prior to that she was the Associate Editor of Theater Magazine, and has done production dramaturgy for Yale Repertory Theatre, Stratford Shakespeare Festival, and Page 73 Productions. She received her MFA and DFA in Dramaturgy and Dramatic Criticism from the Yale School of Drama, and her BA in English from Yale University. 

Hands making pottery out of clay.
On Not Buying a Statue

On Not Buying a Statue

4 July 2013

Skills developed in theatre school can be the clay for a career outside of a theater that better suits your lifestyle needs without compromising your intellectual integrity.