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Recent Essays

This is a repository of written content, sorted by most recent to oldest. Enjoy!

Actors rehearse for a play.
Make It Hurt So Good

Make It Hurt So Good

8 December 2011

Miriam Weisfeld ruminates on whether art should hurt, examining the dynamics of visual art, theatre, and American culture.

Portrait of P. Carl.
A Creative Room of One's Own

A Creative Room of One's Own

5 December 2011

P. Carl ruminates on the comparison between an ER and a rehearsal room, and the lessons we can lean as theater makers from both.


The cover of Stand Up Tragedy, a play by Bill Cain. The title of the play is etched into the bottom of a shoe.
When New Plays Get Old

When New Plays Get Old

1 December 2011

"I keep thinking about these orphaned plays, which were in fact once loved. Where do they fit in the new play lifecycle of American Theater?"

Civic Theater

Civic Theater

Part 2

28 November 2011

Michael Rohd details the how, the why and the what of his approach to making civic theater.

Portrait of P. Carl.
A HowlRound Thanksgiving Retrospective Roundup

A HowlRound Thanksgiving Retrospective Roundup

23 November 2011

P.Carl, a founder of HowlRound highlights some quotes from articles published in the first year of HowlRound.

Lisa D'Amour, Melissa James Gibson, and Michael Steinberg at an awards ceremony.
A Lover's Guide to American Playwrights

A Lover's Guide to American Playwrights

Lisa D'Amour & Melissa James Gibson

21 November 2011
Interview with Erika Chong Shuch

Interview with Erika Chong Shuch

17 November 2011

Erika Chong Shuch, a dancer, choreographer, director and theater maker dishes on the seeds of her passion for performance, her creative process, and her experiences collaborating with other artists.


A portrait of Zelda Fichandler.
Address to the Stage Directors and Choreographers Society in Celebration of the Third Annual Zelda Fichandler Award

Address to the Stage Directors and Choreographers Society in Celebration of the Third Annual Zelda Fichandler Award

14 November 2011

Theatre should stop serving the function of making money, for which it has never been and never will be suited, and start serving the revelation and shaping of the process of living, for which it is uniquely suited, for which it, indeed, exists.

A woman at a desk stretches her hand out to a woman wearing an entirely blue outfit and a blue wig.
Confessions of a Creative Producer

Confessions of a Creative Producer

10 November 2011

Lead Producer Stephanie Ybarra writes about her role in creating We Play for the Gods, with Women's Project Theater and the group's process.

WE Are the National Aesthetic

WE Are the National Aesthetic

7 November 2011

This is a transcipt of Claudia Atkin's "catalyst speaker” speech she delivered on August 14, 2011 for NET’s National Ensemble Summit 2011: Rowdy, Radical, and Relevant!, using musical accopmiment.

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