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Recent Series

Series allow for an in-depth exploration of a topic from multiple points of view. We have TV Series, Journal Series, and Podcast Series focusing on a wide variety of theatremaking practices and industry conversations.

four ladders pointing towards the sky.
Adventures in Audio Fiction Podcast

Adventures in Audio Fiction Podcast

In this podcast series, Durham-based theatremaker Tamara Kissane chats with artists about their work, their plans, and their manifestos.

daytime rooftop view of the city of cluj, romania
Exploring the Multiple Identities of Cluj

Exploring the Multiple Identities of Cluj

This city series explores the strong history, diversity, and theatrical heritage of Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

Promotional Graphic featuring the hosts of the Daughters of Lorraine Podcast.
Daughters of Lorraine Podcast

Daughters of Lorraine Podcast

This podcast centers and privileges the narratives of Black theatremakers, scholars, and audiences while also underscoring the need for understanding the influence of Black theatre on the American theatre landscape.

an audience view of a concert
Developing our Audiences

Developing our Audiences

IETM Rijeka

This series is curated by IETM (International network for contemporary performing arts)  as the organization gets ready to host the IETM Rijeka Plenary Meeting, which will take place 24-27 October 2019 in Croatia. This year's plenary will revolve around the theme Audiences.

screen shot of a tweet by @pangmeli that reads "I’m all for activist communities, queer communities etc, but communities are few and far between. what we have more of are scenes. Two signs that it’s a scene: it doesn’t have multiple generations (children, elders) and the members all have a suspiciously similar aesthetic."
Conversations Across Generations

Conversations Across Generations

Dialogues with UK based Performance Artists

Each of the dialogues in this series speaks of the connection between political activism, creativity, and spirituality— and highlights the importance of intergenerational knowledge-sharing for the future of the Live Arts and Theatre sectors of the UK.

A group of people posing for a photograph
Playwrights In Dialogue 

Playwrights In Dialogue 

Conversations from the National Playwright Residency Program

In-depth conversations between playwrights in the National Playwright Residency Program. 

actors onstage
Staging Gendered Violence

Staging Gendered Violence

The contributions to this series focus on solutions and ways forward as much as critiques of existing practice, creating a kind of toolkit for creatives and critics alike to approach the genuinely difficult questions raised by the issue of staging gendered violence ethically and responsibly.

two actors onstage
The Future of Theatre is Accessible

The Future of Theatre is Accessible

In this series, a variety of disabled theatre artists—managers, designers, producers, and dramaturgs—will share how they do their work, as well as their vision for an accessible future in professional theatre.

Theatremaking in Toronto

Theatremaking in Toronto

Toronto, often deemed “the most multicultural city in the world,” is the largest city in Canada. There’s a thriving theatre scene here, with almost everything you could ask for, and the artists whose work we’re treated to are some of the best in the country.

david dower
Friday Phone Call

Friday Phone Call

Grab a cup of coffee or tea and sit down with this call. 

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